What’s In A Name?

adjective: indelible
- (of ink or a pen) making marks that cannot be removed.
synonyms: | ineradicable, permanent, lasting, ingrained, persisting, enduring, unfading, unforgettable, haunting, never to be forgotten
“indelible memories” |
o not able to be forgotten or removed.
“his story made an indelible impression on me”
synonyms: | ineradicable, permanent, lasting, ingrained, persisting, enduring, unfading, unforgettable, haunting, never to be forgotten
“indelible memories” |
Parents-to-be often struggle to come up with a name for their bundle of joy because they must find a first name and middle name that will play nice with their last name.
Advertising and branding campaigns are no different. With all great campaigns, words and graphics must support and be in harmony with each other. They also must have what we call, “legs,” or have sustaining aspects to them.
Real world examples include:
- “Just Do It.”
- “It’s The Real Thing.”
- “Got Milk?”
- “Where’s The Beef?”
These examples have taken on a life of their own, which should be every marketer’s goal. To achieve that goal a name or tagline must emotionally relate to why the target audience should care. They must also be memorable, defendable and, most importantly, be able to break through today’s noisy marketplace and establish an indelible place in your audience’s memory.
Keys To Breaking Through The Noise
If the audience is on many lists with multiple priorities, it will be critical to be simple, interruptive and engaging.
Long term, the campaign that is selected should fulfill the following objectives:
- Have the ability to remain fresh for five years
- Appeal to both ends of the barbell as it relates to age, income and known capacity to participate
Above all else, have fun! There’s no need to overthink things; one and two word phrases and made up of words frequently catch on and take on a life of their own.